Their quality from worst to best is Mini Exporbs(Yellow), Small Exporbs(White), Medium Exporbs(Blue), Large Exporbs(Orange), Mega Exporbs(Orange w/ Soul shape), and Holy Exporb (Orange w/ shrine). Exporbs are orbs with a red spiral within them. You can also use items called Exporbs to quicken this process. The leveling system is fairly easy, the more you use them, the more EXP they earn. I can't stress just how useful having 3 separate accounts is when playing a Gacha game (Yes, There's a gacha). You can have up to three profiles linked to a single account, each able to redeem the event rewards. I, myself, have around 360+ spirit lying around. You can have a huge stockpile of energy waiting to be used. In order to move around the map, you need spirit, you have 5 spirit that regenerates every 30 minutes but you can use Y-coins(Free Currency) to buy more. The longer the chain of punis the greater the damage.
You have your party of 5 with each character having their own chibi orb(Yokai Puni) that you have to remove. I've played Yokai Watch 1 on the 3DS and you can really feel the same charisma even if I cant understand it.Īs a block remover game(like Disney Tsum Tsum and Crash Fever) its run of the mill. Īs an English-only speaker, the main story is negligible to me at best besides a few things. The game is still pumping out events left and right, with 3~8+ new units per event. (The game has a 1.5 GB additional download on top of the initial download as of this message) I've been on and off with the game for the last 3~4 years, I even remember back when Wibble-Wobble was still up.